Wet n Wild Megalast Liquid Catsuit matte lipsticks - Rebel Rose & Berry Recognize

6. ruj 2017.
Pozdrav ljepotice! Hello beauties! ☺

Danas vam donosim svoje dojmove dugo očekivanih Wet n Wild mat tekućih ruževa. Ako vas zanima više, nastavite čitati dalje!
So today I decided to bring you my thoughts about Wet n Wild matte liquid lipsticks. If you're interested in some more, please keep reading!

Dakle, Liquid Catsuit ruževi dolaze u bucmastom pakiranju izrađenom od čvrste plastike. Na prodajnim mjestima dolaze omotani u prozirnu foliju, tako da možete biti sigurni da kupujete potpuno novi proizvod. Nijanse koje sam ja odabrala su hvaljena Rebel Rose i Berry Recognize, koje su veganski proizvodi i nisu testirani na životinjama.
Liquid Catsuit lipsticks come in a very sturdy plastic packaging which is sealed with a plastic wrap, so you know you're buying a brand new product. Shades which I choose are Rebel Rose (which everyone hyped about) and Berry Recognize. Both of these are vegan and cruelty free products.

Za količinu od 6 grama / 0.21 oz proizvoda kojeg je preporučeno iskoristiti unutar 18 mjeseci od otvaranja, izdvojit ćete 40 HRK. Što se tiče spužvastog aplikatora, on je relativni novitet na našem tržištu, jer je lagano zakrivljen i dizajniran tako da lijepo prianja uz usne, pa kupi najviše proizvoda u središtu aplikatora. Vrlo lako i ravnomjerno razmazuje proizvod po usnama i može se jednostavno manevrirati za precizno nanošenje i eventualno precrtavanje usnica.
Lipsticks come in a quantity of 6 grams / 0.21 oz of product which you should use within 18 months. The price point on these is 5$ USD. When it comes to applicator, it's a classic sponge applicator which is slightly slanted and designed to smoothly apply the product on the lips. Because of that, you'll get most of the product int he middle of an applicator. You can easily apply lipstick very precisely and overline your lips with applicator.

Što se tiče same formule, ona je dosta kremasta, doduše kod nijanse Berry Recognize je mrvicu više tekuća nego kod Rebel Rose. Rekla bi da nisu preteški na usnama, barem meni. Ali naravno, sve ovisi kakve formule ste navikli nositi inače. Na usnama se osuše kroz neke 2 minute. Prilikom nanošenja/sušenja budu ljepljivi, ali kad se osuše do kraja, ostanu potpuno mat. Ne preslikavaju se, a skidaju se samo u dodiru s masnijim obrocima. Mislim da bez problema mogu izdržati 8 sati.
When it comes to formula, it's very creamy, although shade Berry Recognize is slightly more liquid than the Rebel Rose. In my opinion, they're not heavy on the lips, but bare in mind that depends on what you're used to wear on a daily basis. It takes about 2 minutes for them to completely dry. While they're still wet, they are tacky, but when they're dry, they are truly matte. They are long lasting (I think they can easily survive up to 8 hours), but after an oiler meal, they will start to fade away.

Na fotkama iznad možete vidjeti kako ove dvije nijanse izgledaju swatchane jedna pokraj druge, ali i kakvu divnu nijansu daju pomiješane zajedno. Također, moram napomenuti da uživo obje nijanse izgledaju mrvicu tamnije na meni nego što su ispale na fotkama.
In the pictures above you can see how these two shades look swatched and what a beautiful shade they create mixed up together. Also, I must say that in live on my lips both of these look slightly darker than pictured here.

Rebel Rose je prva nijansa koju sam isprobala, divna nude nijansa koja na mojim usnama povuče potpuno hladni podton. Čak i kada mi lagano nestane u središtu usana, to ne bude toliko očito, jer je jako slična mom prirodnom tonu usana. Mislim da s njom zaista ne možete pogriješiti.
Rebel Rose is the first shade I tried out, it's a beautiful nude shade which looks pretty much cooled toned on my lips. Even when it starts to fade on my lips, that isn't noticeable, because it's very similar to the natural colour of my lips. You really can't go wrong with this one!

Berry Recognize je divna mješavina fuksije, tamno crvene i ljubičaste nijanse. Definitivno bold jesenska nijansa crnog vina.
Berry Recognize is a beautiful mixture of fuschia, deep red and purple shade. It's a must have bold fall shade.
Sastojci / Ingredients

Sve u svemu, smatram da je hype oko ovih ruževa potpuno opravdan. Svakako imam u planu kupiti još koju nijansu. Iako, voljela bi da nam dovedu i ostale 3-4 nijanse koje su dostupne na američkom tržištu. 
Uglavnom, pišite mi u komentarima jeste li vi isprobali ove ruževe i koji su vaši dojmovi?
All in all, I think they're totally worth the hype and I'll definitely buy some more shades. Although, I would love if they'd bring the rest 3-4 shades here, which are available in America. 
Please, make sure to comment down below if you tried these and what are your opinions about them?
With love, Ana ♡

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Shine Of Beauty